
Screenwriters team up!

Following my last video, I thought this would be awesome to post. I love TV shows and thinking about a show with all the writers behind them is super exciting! Hopefully this also brings light to the writers. People praise the actors but the writers need more love.



I’ve never thought myself to be screenwriting material, but this might come in handy if you’re looking to develop this skill. Honestly, any tips become really helpful when you’re writing. Because most of us love the idea of breaking the rules when writing but we eventually have to follow them. Anyway, enjoy this video!


What you’re like when writing a book.

Basically this video is what is like to be an author with deadlines. The poor grooming, the mess around the office, the tired face. I love that. This is what we’re like when we get inspiration. We forget to have showers, eat or even sleep. We don’t want to stop writing but at the same time we’re really stressed out. We want to finish as soon as possible but also love the process of watching our ideas come to life.
